Meditation + Talk: You Are Whole and Complete, and There Is Nothing to Add

In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Rick Hanson offered a meditation and talk on You Are Whole and Complete, and There Is Nothing to Add.

The post Meditation + Talk: You Are Whole and Complete, and There Is Nothing to Add first appeared on Dr. Rick Hanson.

The post Meditation + Talk: You Are Whole and Complete, and There Is Nothing to Add appeared first on Dr. Rick Hanson.

This Wednesday Night Meditation included a 45-minute talk and meditation and a 48-minute Q&A about Opening to the Unconditioned Love of the Absolute.

Guest teacher Stephen Doetsu Snyder began practicing meditation in 1976. He has studied Buddhism extensively, including Zen, Tibetan, Theravada, and Western non-dual traditions. He was authorized to teach in the Theravada tradition in 2007 and the Zen schools of Soto and Rinzai in 2022. He is a senior student of Roshi Mark Sando Mininberg. Stephen encourages students to turn toward their true nature and embody their true identity. He is the author of four books, including Buddha’s Heart and Demystifying Awakening.

I hope you find it helpful, and you are welcome to join my free Wednesday Meditations – which are open to everyone!

Talk & Meditation: Opening to the Unconditioned Love of the Absolute

Download the Audio of this Talk & Meditation

Q&A: Opening to the Unconditioned Love of the Absolute

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