Being Well Podcast: Emotional Intelligence: Improving Self-Awareness, Self-Regulation, and Empathy

What do we really mean when we say “emotional intelligence,” and how can we become emotionally intelligent over time? In this episode Dr. Rick and Forrest explore emotional intelligence, including what’s “in” it, balancing emotional closeness and distance, and how we can become more self-aware, self-regulated, and empathic.

The post Being Well Podcast: Emotional Intelligence: Improving Self-Awareness, Self-Regulation, and Empathy first appeared on Dr. Rick Hanson.

The post Being Well Podcast: Emotional Intelligence: Improving Self-Awareness, Self-Regulation, and Empathy appeared first on Dr. Rick Hanson.

This Wednesday Night Meditation included a 31-minute meditation, a 48-minute talk, and a discussion about Struggles, Lessons, and Hope.

Mamphela Ramphele is a Co-Founder of ReimagineSA, the Chair of the Tutu IPTRUST, and Co-President of the Club of Rome. She is a change agent rooted in the Black Consciousness Philosophy that enabled many young people in the 1970s to self-liberate from the inferiority complex imposed by racist oppression and inspired the revival of the liberation struggle that ushered in political freedom in 1994.

She is a medical doctor, a social anthropologist, and a global public servant. She was a Vice Chancellor of the University of Cape Town, a Managing Director at the World Bank, and a non-Executive Director of many large companies and Civil Society Organisations. She is an author and recipient of many awards including 24 honorary degrees.

I hope you find it helpful, and you are welcome to join my free Wednesday Meditations – which are open to everyone!

Talk: Struggles, Lessons, and Hope

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